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Step By Step NFS Configuration in RedHat Linux

Please follow the below steps for configuring NFS  Step 1:- Create a directory like /var/ftp/pub and copy DVD files in it #mkdir -p /var/ftp/pub #mount /dev/dvd /mnt #cd /mnt #cp -vrf * /var/ftp/pub Step 2:- Verify file is shared or not and add line #vi /etc/exports /var/ftp/pub *(rw,sync) Step 3:- service restart #service nfs restart #service portmap restart Step 4:- Permanently services on #chkconfig nfs on #chkconfig portmap on Step 5:- verify either shared or not with the given command. #showmount -e localhost It shows the shared directory. Step 6:- check the default firewall is running on system #chkconfig --list iptables #chkconfig --list ip6tables Step 7:- If running then flush iptables stop service and off services #service iptables stop #service ip6tables stop #chkconfig iptables off #chkconfig ip6tables off #iptables -F #ip6tables -F Step 8:- You can check it on your pc also #mount -t nfs /mnt #cd /mnt #ls

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